can consume our lives, to the point where we choose to sit out on the newest roller coaster or even decide to not scuba dive by the Great Barrier Reef. No
matter who you are, everyone is afraid of something and that’s okay. Luckily,
we each have a special person who is always there to help us through it.
His name
is Jesus.
Not only
is He righteous, but He is humble and willing to help you through the toughest
times. When we see no future for our lives, He gives us hope. When we are too
weak to stand, He gives us strength. When all we can do is cry, He is there
counting every tear that falls. Jesus isn’t going to leave you.
fact: Did you know that the Bible says the phrase “Do not be afraid” 365 times?
It is constantly reminding us that Jesus is walking with us every step of the
way. Personally, I struggle with fear. I let each fear consume my life to the
point where I can’t stop worrying about it. Each time this happens, I have
learned to take a step back. Breathe in and out. Realize that I am not going
through it alone. God is going with me, even if others are staying behind.
comes a point in our lives when things are going to change, people will move
away, and loved ones will die. This moment is where our fear of the future
becomes overwhelming, but despite all the setbacks we experience – OUR GOD IS GREATER! With His strength
we can climb mountains, we can push through our fear, and we can be COURAGEOUS!
college has been on my mind. I am moving away for the first time in less than
two weeks. Once my parents drive off that will be it, I am officially on my own.
At least, that is what I thought a few days ago. I now realize that I will also
be bringing Jesus along for the ride.
fears may be daunting, but with God NOTHING
is impossible. No matter what fears you face today (big or small) know that God
is with you every step of the way.
your life there will be people or voices in this world that are going to try to
stop your faith. They will tempt you will jewels, clothes, money, social
status, and a million other worldly things. This is the time to remember who
you are and who you serve. These voices will tell you that you are not pretty enough,
or smart enough, or wealthy enough.
DO NOT listen to these voices, because in
the eyes of Jesus you are His child. He loves you unconditionally. He made you
in His image. Trust in His grace, believe in the Word, and follow the path of
fears you face today will seem unbearable, but with our God nothing is impossible.