Thursday, September 24, 2015

Footprints in the Sand

Imagine you’re on El Castillo Beach, in Tulum, Mexico. It just so happens to be ranked among the top ten most beautiful beaches in the world. The crystal clear turquoise water tickles your toes as they’re slowly buried beneath the smooth, white sand. Your sun-kissed skin takes in the warmth of the sun’s rays as they dance across your back, and just ahead you can see the ancient ruins of an old Mayan Port, above the miles of limestone cliffs wrapped in gorgeous tropical vegetation. As you stroll down the coastline, your feet leave a trail of footprints in the sand behind you. The footprints seem pretty insignificant compared to the beauty that surrounds you, so much so that you hardly even take time to recognize them. Pretty soon they’ll be lost with the tide anyway.
In a lot of ways those footprint are like our sin. Sometimes they’re nice and neat, and you can make out their outline perfectly. Other times, they’re not so neat, the edges are smeared, and their shape is hard to make out. Regardless, their imprint in the sand tells you they’re there. Much like you might fail to recognize the footprint you leave in the sand when you’re so absorbed in the scenery around you, sometimes we neglect to identify, or rather acknowledge and accept our sin because we too are absorbed in the “scenery” around us. We get caught up in what society wants us to make of us, lost in the ways of the world, and even engrossed in the situations of those around us.
Have you ever really thought hard about what would happen if the tide didn’t come in each night and wash all those prints away? Part of the beauty in waking up early to walk the shore is the untouched sand, looking rather picturesque before everyone heads to the beach for the day and it becomes just as unsettled as before. The beach wouldn’t be nearly as beautiful if it were littered with prints! We often don’t give it a second thought, but we trust and count on the fact that the tide will come and wipe the shore clean. It would be crazy to wait up, watching and waiting to make sure it came. Instead, we have a little something called FAITH.
Just like we trust the tide will come, even if we don’t see it, we can have full faith in knowing that when we trust in God, our sins will be wiped clean. The tide is constant and reliable; there’s no picking and choosing the days that it’ll come. Similarly, our God is constant and reliable, and his grace is as never ending as the tide. No matter how many “prints” we’ve accumulated, He wipes our shore completely clean. Not only is it wiped away, but there’s not a single hint of evidence remaining as to what was there previously. One of my favorite verses, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” In trusting and believing in what Christ did for you, you are made BRAND NEW.
Now as you walk along the stunning shoreline of El Castillo Beach, maybe you’ll remember to glance behind you at those footprints every once in a while. When you do, recall the unbelievable transformation that occurs each night, and the wonder that remains in the morning when the beautiful beach is made new, just like you.


Mary Kate

Friday, August 28, 2015

I Could Not Have Planned This

If you would have asked me a month ago how I felt about going to college. I probably would tell you that I’m scared that I won't make any friends. I am scared to death to leave my family. I would go on and on about how I will never feel the same in Manhattan as I did in Louisburg. Well, I was wrong.

      Today those answers from “me of the past” are no longer relevant. I have been on campus for roughly two weeks and I already feel right at home. Manhattan has become my home away from home. Not only have I joined a great sorority, but I have already made some amazing friends who have welcomed me with open arms. I never would have expected this. God’s plan for me here at K-State is in the beginning stages, but I see all the work from the past that has lead me to this moment. How each challenge has strengthened my faith and due to that challenge I am able to be confident in the Lord.

      God’s plan cannot be guessed nor imagined in its full glory, but it can be witnessed. I see it happening all around me in school, in my friends, and in my roommate. There are people placed on this earth to help guide us along the path. To encourage us. To help us through the difficult times. To be a shoulder to cry on. To be a brother/sister in Christ. I believe that these people are a gift from God.

As I was reading in my Bible the other day I came across this verse: John 5:37. “One plants and another harvests. And it’s true I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.”

This hit home. I realized that my spiritual journey has been guided along the way by many people in my church, my family, and now at college. My early faith was taught by my parents, my Sunday school teachers, and cute Bible coloring pages. As I grew older, my faith in Jesus grew with me. Increasing each day by youth group on Monday nights and encouragement from my friends throughout the week. This summer, the Youth Mission Trip took my faith to new heights (literally, we were up in the mountains all week). I found a love of serving people and spreading God’s Word. Now, I’m at college. Who knows where my faith will go next? But, I know that God has people here to help me all the way, just like he has done in the past.

So, my challenge for you: What does your spiritual journey look like? Who has inspired you along the way? And lastly, who do you want to inspire?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Don’t Let Fear Consume You

Fears can consume our lives, to the point where we choose to sit out on the newest roller coaster or even decide to not scuba dive by the Great Barrier Reef. No matter who you are, everyone is afraid of something and that’s okay. Luckily, we each have a special person who is always there to help us through it.

His name is Jesus.

Not only is He righteous, but He is humble and willing to help you through the toughest times. When we see no future for our lives, He gives us hope. When we are too weak to stand, He gives us strength. When all we can do is cry, He is there counting every tear that falls. Jesus isn’t going to leave you.

Fun fact: Did you know that the Bible says the phrase “Do not be afraid” 365 times? It is constantly reminding us that Jesus is walking with us every step of the way. Personally, I struggle with fear. I let each fear consume my life to the point where I can’t stop worrying about it. Each time this happens, I have learned to take a step back. Breathe in and out. Realize that I am not going through it alone. God is going with me, even if others are staying behind.

There comes a point in our lives when things are going to change, people will move away, and loved ones will die. This moment is where our fear of the future becomes overwhelming, but despite all the setbacks we experience – OUR GOD IS GREATER! With His strength we can climb mountains, we can push through our fear, and we can be COURAGEOUS!

Lately, college has been on my mind. I am moving away for the first time in less than two weeks. Once my parents drive off that will be it, I am officially on my own. At least, that is what I thought a few days ago. I now realize that I will also be bringing Jesus along for the ride.

Our fears may be daunting, but with God NOTHING is impossible. No matter what fears you face today (big or small) know that God is with you every step of the way.
During your life there will be people or voices in this world that are going to try to stop your faith. They will tempt you will jewels, clothes, money, social status, and a million other worldly things. This is the time to remember who you are and who you serve. These voices will tell you that you are not pretty enough, or smart enough, or wealthy enough. 

DO NOT listen to these voices, because in the eyes of Jesus you are His child. He loves you unconditionally. He made you in His image. Trust in His grace, believe in the Word, and follow the path of righteousness.  

The fears you face today will seem unbearable, but with our God nothing is impossible.



Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Where Does Your Puzzle Piece Fit?

Fill in the blank: When I grow up, I want to________.

Chances are you’ve all been asked this question before and your answer was probably anywhere from becoming a firefighter, to driving a convertible, or making it big in Hollywood as an actor/actress. Anymore it’s not quite that easy. When you realize that you’re already in the midst of that “grown up” stage, it gets even harder. You have to really ask yourself, What are my goals? My hopes? What do I want the driving force of my life to be, and how do I make it happen? These are all questions I found myself asking. With college enrollment just around the corner (no joke, it’s tomorrow), I’ve taken time to be real with myself and try to answer those questions.

It can be especially difficult when you’re getting all sorts of advice from friends, family, neighbors, your dog, the squirrel in the tree next to your bedroom window (okay, you get the point). Of course, it’s always a good idea to get advice and opinions of those around you, but in the end you have to remember it’s your life, they’re your hopes and aspirations, and ultimately, it’s up to you to choose what to pursue and what not to pursue.  Experiment. Try new things. And for heaven’s sake, don’t forget to pray and ask God about it!

Without trying to make you fall down for an afternoon snooze (in other words, I hope I don’t bore you), I personally have struggled tremendously with finding my place in the world, or where my puzzle piece fits if you will. For the past six or seven years I thought for sure I was destined to become an engineer. It wasn’t until the end of senior year that I realized I wasn’t really sure I actually liked engineering. I didn’t want to let anyone down, including myself, so I just kept at it, hoping eventually it would grow on me. Fortunately (no, that wasn’t a typo of unfortunately), that time never came. I realized engineering isn’t what I really wanted, and more importantly, it’s not what God wanted for me either. I say fortunately because I’m grateful for the fact that it didn’t work out; I know I was meant for something different. After months of praying, I feel like a new door has been opened for me. My gifts, my passions, and my aspirations all point to eventually attending medical school and until God tells me otherwise, that’s where my heart is headed.

If you’re struggling like I was, I encourage you to brush aside the nonsense the squirrel outside has to say because I’m sure it’s nuts (pun intended), and take time to really think and pray. What unique features contribute to your individual puzzle piece and where does it fit into the rest of the world’s puzzle? Be patient, and I can assure you that your piece will fall into place.


Mary Kate 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Touch the Sky Mashup

Hey Everyone,

Below is a mashup I created of Hillsong United's new song - Touch the Sky.

Hope you all enjoy!



Saturday, May 30, 2015

Becoming Who Jesus Made You To Be

Sometimes you fail.

You fail at your biggest dream, your life goal, the dream you have had since you were five years old.

Reality sets in and you begin to realize that despite every effort you have made: you still failed.

Doubts coming running into your head where there is no chance of stopping them.
Then, just when you feel like you can’t stand anymore, Jesus steps in.

You fall to your knees in despair, you cry out with all you have left.

You feel as if your entire world is falling apart. But just when you are about to break in two, Jesus comes to you.

He says you are forgiven, you are His child, and you are adored.

He says “I made you, every part of you and I love you exactly the way you are. Even though you push me away, I am always standing there beside you. I will never leave you, not for a moment.”

It takes you a few minutes, but you begin to realize that even through your mistakes, your sins, and your countless failures – you have a God who cares so much about you that words cannot describe the deepness of His affection.

In Jesus, you are made new.

He suffered, was beaten, and killed for you. He knew that this was the only way.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that someone so perfect would be willing to die for a sin He didn’t commit. But he did, for YOU.

And to fulfil our purpose in His plan, it’s about following Jesus.

Where, being a Christian is not about being perfect or putting on your “church face” every Sunday.

It’s about family and faith.

It’s about caring for the weak and giving strength to the powerless.

It’s about loving others who are different from yourself.

It’s about becoming more selfless than selfish.

It’s about putting God first, everyone else second and you third.

It’s about becoming who God made you to be.

It’s about praising Jesus for the little things and the big things.

It’s about believing when there seems to be no hope left.

It’s about trusting in a God you have never seen.

It’s about saving someone else’s life and not your own.

It’s about getting as many people to Heaven as possible.

It’s about believing that God has a purpose for you. No matter the mistakes you have made in the past.

God has called YOU to become part of His plan.

He is willing to give you a future and a hope.

Are you willing to accept it?



P.S. I am nowhere near perfect on any of these items listed. Everyday I struggle with jealously, doubting, guilt, pushing my faith away, putting myself first over everyone else. Despite the fact that I struggle with every single thing I just listed. I know, that I have a God who is willing to help me through all of it. He is more than willing to work at it little by little and help me fulfill my purpose in the world. I encourage you all to do the same. God Bless!