Friday, August 28, 2015

I Could Not Have Planned This

If you would have asked me a month ago how I felt about going to college. I probably would tell you that I’m scared that I won't make any friends. I am scared to death to leave my family. I would go on and on about how I will never feel the same in Manhattan as I did in Louisburg. Well, I was wrong.

      Today those answers from “me of the past” are no longer relevant. I have been on campus for roughly two weeks and I already feel right at home. Manhattan has become my home away from home. Not only have I joined a great sorority, but I have already made some amazing friends who have welcomed me with open arms. I never would have expected this. God’s plan for me here at K-State is in the beginning stages, but I see all the work from the past that has lead me to this moment. How each challenge has strengthened my faith and due to that challenge I am able to be confident in the Lord.

      God’s plan cannot be guessed nor imagined in its full glory, but it can be witnessed. I see it happening all around me in school, in my friends, and in my roommate. There are people placed on this earth to help guide us along the path. To encourage us. To help us through the difficult times. To be a shoulder to cry on. To be a brother/sister in Christ. I believe that these people are a gift from God.

As I was reading in my Bible the other day I came across this verse: John 5:37. “One plants and another harvests. And it’s true I sent you to harvest where you didn’t plant; others had already done the work, and now you will get to gather the harvest.”

This hit home. I realized that my spiritual journey has been guided along the way by many people in my church, my family, and now at college. My early faith was taught by my parents, my Sunday school teachers, and cute Bible coloring pages. As I grew older, my faith in Jesus grew with me. Increasing each day by youth group on Monday nights and encouragement from my friends throughout the week. This summer, the Youth Mission Trip took my faith to new heights (literally, we were up in the mountains all week). I found a love of serving people and spreading God’s Word. Now, I’m at college. Who knows where my faith will go next? But, I know that God has people here to help me all the way, just like he has done in the past.

So, my challenge for you: What does your spiritual journey look like? Who has inspired you along the way? And lastly, who do you want to inspire?
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